Généalogie et Histoire locale

au Luxembourg


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Luxracines.lu is an information and communication website which aims to assist genealogists and publish interesting genealogical material. The information published on these pages has been created with care and in good faith. However luxracines.lu is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, reliability or timeliness of such information.

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Our website contains so-called "external links" (links to third party sites), over which we have no control and for which we assume no liability for this reason. For the content and accuracy of the information the provider of information of the linked website is responsible.


The content published on this website is subject to Luxembourgish copyright. Only non- commercial private use is permissible within the limits of the copyright law. Applicable to the documents published in the "Biblio online" is also: By using Biblio Online, you commit yourself to using the acquired documents, whether free or paid, only for your own purpose and not to forward them to third parties.

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