Généalogie et Histoire locale

au Luxembourg

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Becoming a member of luxracines

Avantages as a member of luxracines:

• access to our "Biblio online"
• access to the sub-site "GeneaLux.Net"
• participation in our information and training seminars, conferences, visits, ...

If you want to become a member of our association, please fill in and send the form below and pay the annual fee of 20 (twenty) Euro

either by bank transfer to our account

luxracines.lu asbl

IBAN : LU97 1111 2992 8237 0000


or by Payconiq by scanning the QR code below

QR Member 2025

or by PayPal by clicking the "Pay now" button below

PayPal Logo

Registration form:

* Required information.
Contact information
Title *
Name *
First name *
Street, number *
Postal code *
Town *
Country *
Email * Please give your CORRECT email address. If the address is not correct, we will not be able to contact you and to create your access to our site
Telephone number
Genealogy interests
Researched family names
Researched places
Web site If you have an online family tree, please give the address of the site
Message / Comment
I agree to become a member of luxracines and to pay the membership fee *

Your user account will not be activated immediately. Please allow up to 48 hours after payment for activation. You will then receive your access data by e-mail.

Who is online?

We have 79 guests and one member online