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Category: Emigration
Number of Subcategories: 1
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Luxembourg Immigrants to Stearns County, MN

Files: 4
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pdf.png Ensch Conference HOT
Created: 2016-07-25 | Size: 262.96 KB | Downloads: 239

Conference Ensch of 21 July 2016

Jean ENSCH, 2016

Extract of the presentation given by Jean ENSCH on the emigration to the USA. Includes the sources and links to help in the research on emigrants.

Pages: 49 - Language: Luxembourgish

pdf.png Gonner HOT
Created: 2011-12-09 | Size: 14.5 MB | Downloads: 332

Die Luxemburger in der neuen Welt

Nicolas GONNER, 1889

Les Luxembourgeois dans le nouveau monde. Contributions sur l'histoire des Luxembourgeois, avec des conseils pour les émigrants luxembourgeois. Publication à l'occasion du cinquantième anniversaire de l'indépendance du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.

Pages: 503 - Langue: Allemand

pdf.png USA (Deltgen) HOT
Created: 2011-12-23 | Size: 4.57 MB | Downloads: 505

Familles avec des liaisons USA

Rob DELTGEN, 2011

Familles avec des liaisons vers les États Unis, extraites de la base de données de l'auteur (1383 familles).

Pages: 462 - Langue: Allemand

pdf.png USA (Lanners) HOT
Created: 2012-02-01 | Size: 187.81 KB | Downloads: 207


Claude LANNERS, 2012

Emigrants to the United States of the BORMANN, HOTTUA and LANNERS families and their descendants as listed in the database of Claude Lanners. 130 emigrants, 14.000 descendants.

Page: 1 - Language: English

pdf.png USA (Weidert) HOT
Created: 2015-05-15 | Size: 2.06 MB | Downloads: 392

Emigrants Luxembourg-USA

Jean-Pierre WEIDERT, 2024

Emigrants to the United States contained in the author's database, update January 2024 (2303 persons).

Pages: 79 - Language: English

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