Catalog Biblio Walferdange Search in all catalog fields by entering a search term (eg name, place, ...) in the search field or select the publications by the first letters of the titles. search... reset... ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All Results per page: 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Page 23 of 150 Results 441 - 460 of 2998 Title Author(s) Luxembourgish Stengegen Heiser - Stone Houses KRIER Beatrice A Luxembourg-Stadt, neue Bürger EMMEL Fernand Luxembourg-St Ulrich EMMEL Fernand Luxembourg-St Nicolas L - Z NEY Eugène Luxembourg-St Nicolas A - K NEY Eugène Luxembourg-St Nicolas NEY Eugène Luxembourg-St Michel EMMEL Fernand Luxembourg-St Jean EMMEL Fernand Luxembourg-Garnison EMMEL Fernand Luxembourg St Nicolas mariages / Heiraten EMMEL Fernand Luxembourg St Jean mariages / Heiraten EMMEL Fernand Luxembourg on my mind GARDINI Fausto Luxembourg in the USA CALMES Christian Luxembourg immigrants to Stearns County, MN LEISEN Gretchen Luxembourg immigrants to Stearns County, MN LEISEN Gretchen Luxembourg immigrants to Stearns County, MN LEISEN Gretchen Luxembourg immigrants to Stearns County, MN LEISEN Gretchen Luxembourg Garnison EMMEL Fernand Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial Loupershouse, Ellviller - Les familles HEIL Henri / WEBER Michael / WILLIGSECKER Alain Page 23 of 150 Results 441 - 460 of 2998 StartPrev18192021222324252627NextEnd