Catalog Biblio Walferdange Search in all catalog fields by entering a search term (eg name, place, ...) in the search field or select the publications by the first letters of the titles. search... reset... ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All Results per page: 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Page 20 of 20 Results 381 - 385 of 385 Title Author(s) Düdelinger Chronik Bd 2 KOERPERICH Léon - KRANTZ Robert - CONRARDY Jean-Pierre Duden - Familiennamen Duerfchronik vu Biereng Duerfliewen fre'er an haut - 1981 Düppenweiler - Die Einwohner vor 1820 VERBURG Werner Page 20 of 20 Results 381 - 385 of 385 StartPrev11121314151617181920NextEnd