Luxembourg-Banat Database

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The Luxembourg-Banat Database
Origin and History

The Luxembourg-Banat Database has emerged as a continuation of the work on the neglected Luxembourgish participation in the Eastern Colonization and can help genealogists determine the origin of their forefathers. However, it can serve historians and sociologists as a starting point for larger research projects of a diverse nature. Unfortunately, even today, the wealth of data that genealogy can provide is underestimated and not sufficiently taken into account in research projects.

In preparation for the organization of the European Capital of Culture 2007, event which Luxembourg and the Greater Region shared with Sibiu (Hermannstadt) in Romania, the founder of the Luxembourg-Banat database in 2005 wrote the book „Auswanderung zwischen Rhein und Maas nach Siebenbürgen“ (Emigration between Rhine and Meuse to Transylvania), which can be purchased from



Today the Luxembourg-Banat-Database allows us to observe migration movements in time and space in a differentiated manner: migrations in the Saar-Lor-Lux territories, immigration of qualified workers from Austria to Luxembourg under Habsburg rule, secondary emigration to the Banat and the United States, emigration from the Banat. These migrations are the mirror image of political decisions, military actions, economic differences and determine decisively the future of specific countries and regions.



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