Luxembourg-Banat Database

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Matches 34,351 to 34,400 of 40,729

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
34351 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: FLANDRE Nicolaus & DEUSINCK Maria, uxor HARMAN Sebastiani, captain citizen Luxembourg BIGENET, Nicolaus (I51750)
34352 St. Nicholas Church. Godparents: FLEISCHER Joannes & MOLITOR Susanna FLEISCHER, Susanna (I51127)
34353 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: FRENTZEL Fridericus, mercator civis, Luxemburg & PAULI Rosa, uxor BRUCHER Vincenti, civis, Luxemburg HUTTERT, Rosa (I51190)
34354 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: FREY Thomas, merchant citizen, Luxembourg & STEIDEL Catharina BIGENY, Catharina (I51749)
34355 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: FRIDERICH Nicolaus, Luxembourg & FLANDER Margaretha, Luxembourg BEGUINNET, Nicolaus (I51756)
34356 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: FRISCH Joannes & DROMET Catharina BIGINNIT, Joannes (I51747)
34357 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: GELWEYLER Michael, civi Luxembourg & KELSCH Maria Catharina, uxoer JOCHEM Jacobus (+),
civs, Luxembourg 
ZINGERLE, Michael (I49536)
34358 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: GRISEliN Joannes, civis, Luxemburg & SPECHT Elisabetha, uxor SCHREINER Nicolai, roofer
civis, Luxembourg 
HUTTERT, Joannes (I51180)
34359 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: GUIOT Joannes Franciscus, v. chambre M DE STASSIN, Vallanzar & MULLER Maria Barbara, Luxembourg BEGUINET, Maria Barbara (I51755)
34360 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: HAMBURGER Joannes Wolfgangus, canonier art. camp. I. R., Luxembourg & PONCIN Barbara, uxor
SPRINGINSFELT Philippi, canonier, Luxemburg 
ZENGERLÉE, Joannes Wolfgangus (I51237)
34361 St. Nicholas Church. Godparents: HANS Joannes, masoon, Milan & SCHWAB Christina, uxor EYSEMBOURG Joannes, faber ferrarius civis,
BRUNNEN, Christina (I51104)
34362 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: HEIDRICH Ferdinandus Valentinus & BETTENDORFF Catharina, wife of DENAYER Henricus, baker
citizen, Luxembourg 
JOCHEM, Ferdinandus Valentinus (I52624)
34363 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: HENDEL Ludovicus & GEORGE Maria ZENGERLÉ, Ludovicus (I49540)
34364 St. Nicholas Church. Godparents: Henricus Gicht et Barbara Appolonia Lederlé liberi STARCK, Barbara Appolonia (I47352)
34365 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: HOFFMAN Joannes Baptista, baker citizen, Luxembourg & EYDT Dorothea JOACHIM, Joannes Baptista (I49945)
34366 St. Nicholas Church. Godparents: HOLLINGER Ludovicus, cooper citizen, Luxembourg & VELTER Margaretha, wife BORIN Stephanus, doorman
p. Thionv. citizen, Luxembourg 
BOUS, Ludovicus (I47624)
34367 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: HUTTERT Mathias, lapidica civis, Luxemburg & NUVO Margaretha, uxor PEIFOB Josephus, civis, Luxemburg HUTTERT, Margaretha (I51178)
34368 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: JACOB Joachim, lapicida, Luxemburg & BRUCK Catharina, apud Joannem Georgium OLESICH vivis et caupo in Luxbg PHILIP, Cataharina (I51146)
34369 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: JENNOT Joannes Georgius, apothecary, Luxembourg & HEYDT Maria BIGENY, Joannes Georgius (I51748)
34370 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: JOCHEM Michael, baker civis, Luxembourg & KAYSER Elisabeth, uxor HENDEL Philippi
mason civs, Luxembourg 
ZINGERLÉ, Michael (I49533)
34371 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: JOST Joannes, captain citizen, Luxembourg & RECHT Margaretha, uxor HOLBACH Mathias,
BIEGINNÉ, Joannes (I51751)
34372 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: KEYL Martin, logicianus & MORISSE Anna Barba libera CORNEILLE, Anna Barbara (I51173)
34373 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: KLEIN Urbanus, civis, Luxemburg & FEYT Elisabetha, uxor STARCK Christiani, civis HUTTERT, Elisabetha (I51163)
34374 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: KLEYN Dominicus & TOUNELLE Margaretha FESSELER, Margaretha Barbara (I49972)
34375 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: KOOHN Mathias & JOCHEM Maria Francisca ZENGLÉ, Mathias (I51238)
34376 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: KRANEWITTER Georgius & HUTTERT Maria Elisabetha liberi HUTTERT, Maria Elisabetha (I51176)
34377 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: LASER Martinus, Luxembourg & MOLITOR Elisabetha, Luxembourg ZENGERLÉ, Martinus (I49539)
34378 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: LEDERLÉ Joannes & MINEM Catherina HUTTERT, Joannes (I51181)
34379 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: LEDERLÉ Joannes Petrus, civis, Luxemburg & MELLINGER Catherina uxor SCREINER Nicolai HUTTERT, Joannes Petrus (I51179)
34380 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: LEYENDECKER Adamus, magister, Luxemburg & GLABACH Maria BERLERT, Maria (I51161)
34381 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: LOLET Edmond, baker civis, Luxembourg & GRATIONES Maria Catharina, uxor GUILLAUME
Gerardus, tailor civis, Luxembourg 
STARCK, Maria Catharina (I49524)
34382 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: LOOS Philippus Josephus, Luxemburg & GERGES Maria, Luxemburg HUTTERT, Philippus Josephus (I38713)
34383 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: MAGEROTTE Dionysius, civis et vitrius, Luxemburg & WAGENER Joanna, uxor WEILER Francisci, civis, Luxemburg HÜTTERT, Joanna (I51191)
34384 St. Nicholas Church. Godparents: MERSCH Joannes Michael, Luxembourg; SCHOPPACH Maria Barbara, Luxembourg SCHOPPACH, Joannes (I46645)
34385 St. Nicholas Church. Godparents: MOOTZ Joannes & BARTHET Maria Catherina ANGERER, Maria Catharina (I51111)
34386 St. Nicholas Church. Godparents: MORISAU Nicolaus, shoemaker & BURDEN Susanna libera BRUNNER, Susanna (I51105)
34387 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: MOUTTON Aegidius Josephus & KREHMER Anna Maria JOACHIM, Aegidius Josephus (I51745)
34388 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: MULLER Joannes Georgius, sgt DE BLONQUET & LAMARCQUE Margaretha BOUTELLE, Joannes Georgius (I51294)
34389 St. Nicholas Church. Godparents: NAMUR Mathias, theologus & WEYLER Margaretha, libera, filia Danielis WEYLER, aratoris, civis, Luxemburg STAUDT, Margaretha (I50269)
34390 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: NEHR Joannes, butcher civis, Luxemburg & ESCHDORFF Angela BOLTZ, Angela (I51110)
34391 St. Nicholas Church. Godparents: NICOLAS Bernardus, Lommerange & JUNCK Margaretha, uxorata filia Joannis JUNCK défunt NICOLAS, Bernardus (I47614)
34392 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: OTTO Franciscus Henricus, logicus luxemburgensis, Luxemburg & DOHL Anna Maria, Remich CARON, Franciscus Henricus (I51213)
34393 St. Nicholas Church. Godparents: Petrus KNEPPER et Anna HARDT habitantes ambo in Limpertsberg prope dictam molinam EICHER, Petrus (I24726)
34394 St. Nicholas Church. Godparents: PHILIPPE Christianus, mason & KÜNTZIG Maria, uxore KRAELLER Martinus, civs, Luxemburg STAUDT, Christianus (I51132)
34395 St. Nicholas Church. Godparents: Philippus Ignatius DE REIFFENBERG, poeta & SERVAIS Elisabetha Theresia BRONNER, Elisabetha Theresia (I51103)
34396 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: POLTERA Nicolaus & RÉHE Anna Maria, uxor HENDEL Hubertus, mason civis, Luxembourg ZENGERLÉE, Nicolaus (I49537)
34397 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: RENNY NN, artilleria Belgiae & HYSETH Barbara OBERHEFFEN, Barbara (I51281)
34398 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: ROHR Josephus, Montzel/Trier & FENNIUS Suaanna MAMER, Josephus (I51278)
34399 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: ROYER Joannes Franciscus, civis, Luxemburg & WILTZ Barbara, uxor LOSER Christiani, scabini CARON, Catharina (I51214)
34400 St. Nicholas church. Godparents: RÜTTGEN Adamus, civis, Luxemburg & BLASIUS Elisabetha, uxor FAS Servati, civis BOLTZ, Elisabetha (I49938)

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