Hosted by
Matches 33,801 to 33,850 of 40,729
# | Notes | Linked to |
33801 | other death date 07/10/1819 | SCHAUS, Marguerithe (I51624)
33802 | other death date 2/3/1800 | FRISCH, Jacob (I30060)
33803 | other death date 29/10/1981 | FRISCH, Justine Julianna (I39243)
33804 | other death date: 01.11.1736 Olm | SCHWEZER, Maria (I24958)
33805 | other death date: 12.10.1805. Aged 51 in 1797 | FRISCH, Jean (I36272)
33806 | other death date: 19/10/1796. | SCHÜTZ, Susanna (Carola) (I29684)
33807 | other death date: 20.01.1814 | LORDONG, Dominicus (I54637)
33808 | other death date: Buschdorf/Luxembourg, 22 mai 1843 | FRISCH, Joannes (I12713)
33809 | Other death DATE: Savelborn (, 9/10/1843, civil record 19/1843) | FISCH, Maria Catharina (I16383)
33810 | other marriage Beaufort february 4th, 1788 | Family (F10568)
33811 | other marriage date: Hostert (Ospern) 10.01.1751 | Family (F9223)
33812 | other marriage date: Hostert(Ospern) 10.01.1751 | Family (F9225)
33813 | other parents: Nicolas Lemmer and Maria Simon other birthdate 14/06/1834 in Haller | LEMMER, Maria (I36234)
33814 | other possible birthday: 20.07.1788 Biled daughter of Lauer Mich.&Hen Maria | LAUER, Margaritha (I20739)
33815 | other possible date : 2.6.1766. Witnesses: Nicolaus et Joannes Hemmer ambo ex Bilsdorf | Family (F312)
33816 | Other possible marriage date 17/02/1787 | Family (F12079)
33817 | other possible origin: Tyrolia | BARTOLE, Josef (I38221)
33818 | otherwise Stockem near Arlon | SCHORTGEN, Thomas (I625)
33819 | Ottenhausen Trevirensi | GERGYEN, Petrus (I1726)
33820 | p. 68 births / Godparents: "Peller Michael ex Kehlen...Birrel Maria Franca ex Kehlen" | HOFFMAN, Michael (I28538)
33821 | p.69 | Family (F18249)
33822 | p.77 n.14 (witnesses: Joannes Reisdorff et Antonius Herman) | Family (F13013)
33823 | P15. Witnesses: Wilhelm Schuld & Peter Tiszler | Family (F2795)
33824 | p342/m553 | Family (F2852)
33825 | p342/t366 | Family (F2853)
33826 | p343. Witnesses: Mathias Karas&Fr:Schuch | Family (F2854)
33827 | P8 | Family (F2778)
33828 | papermill | BOURGINIAUX, Henrica (I15769)
33829 | parents: NOESEN(=NIESEN) Nicolas, + 21/09/1797 "operarius" et Anna DIESCHBURG, + 10/11/1798. Aged 27 in 1811. | NIESEN, Anna Maria (I39218)
33830 | parents: Valentinus Henrich & Margaretha, probably identical with Vendelinus Henrich & Margaretha. Godparents: Joes Nicolaus RADINGER & Anna VAJER | HENRICH, Joes Nicolaus (I30953)
33831 | Pareth | MARTIN, Maria Elisabetha (I4726)
33832 | Pareth. Godparents: "Joes N. Marcy & Anna Maria Webers ex Parret ambo" | MARTIN, Joes N. (I9387)
33833 | Pareth. Godparents: "Nicolas Schneÿders ex Parrette et Anna Maria Marci ex Heÿschpelt tunc morans in Attert" | MARCI, Nicolaus (I9385)
33834 | Pareth. Godparents: "Petrus Rhombois ex Tintange & Maria Catharina Matthay modo Mergen ex Pareth" | MARTIN, Maria Catharina (I9383)
33835 | Pareth. Godparents: Joes Hein & Anna Elisabetha Decker ambo ex Parret | MARTIN, Anna Elisabeth (I9384)
33836 | Parette | MERGEN, Anna (I4696)
33837 | Parette | MARCY, Petrus (I4711)
33838 | Paris (9e arrondissement) | Family (F14399)
33839 | Paris reg. Vol. III p.62 | Family (F3859)
33840 | Parish Abweiler vol.001 | Family (F68)
33841 | parish book p.125 | Family (F3815)
33842 | parish of Fennange/Noertzange | FRISCH, Joannes (I13842)
33843 | parish of Greiveldange | GREGOIR, Maria (I9878)
33844 | parish Paltzem | KIRCH, Nicolaus (I11205)
33845 | Parish reg. Vol. III p.69 | Family (F3860)
33846 | Parish reg. Vol. III p.70 | Family (F3861)
33847 | Parish reg. Vol.1 p.30 | Family (F3841)
33848 | Parish reg. Vol.1 p.30 | Family (F3852)
33849 | Parish reg. Vol.III p.67 | Family (F3855)
33850 | parish register of Beaufort:named Antonius see Bettendroffer | FRISCH, Augustin (I12387)