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Matches 32,051 to 32,100 of 40,729
# | Notes | Linked to |
32051 | Godparents: Philipp MARTIN & Anna MÜLLER | KAFFKA, Anna Juliana (I27492)
32052 | Godparents: Philipp MARTIN & Eva BENTSCHIK | BRUNX, Philipp (I33324)
32053 | Godparents: Philipp MARTIN (2333) & Marg. BERNARD | BERNARD, Philipp (I22452)
32054 | Godparents: Philipp Münich&A.M.Kiml | GROSS, Anna Maria (I41119)
32055 | Godparents: Philipp PITELVAS & Maria MARTIN | BLESS, Philipp (I38057)
32056 | Godparents: Philipp STEPHAN & Eva LUNG | LUNG, Philipp (I39408)
32057 | Godparents: Philipp Unger & AM Mitsch | SILIER, Philippus (I14196)
32058 | Godparents: Philippe JUNGELS, widower, from Wallendorf, and Magdalena FRISCH from Waldbillig | FRISCH, Magdalena (I35753)
32059 | Godparents: Philippo Culon et Margaretha Seilers ex Dudlingen | CULON, Philippus (I46285)
32060 | Godparents: Philippo Martino Martin Luxemburg & Maria Friderich ex Conteren | FRITGES, Philippus Martinus (I55912)
32061 | Godparents: Philippo Mates et Margarita Leyen | LYMPACH, Margarita (I15596)
32062 | Godparents: Philippo Roeder caelibe per procuratorem Paulum Frisch ex Beaufort et Anna Catharina Hoffmann cognata ejus ex Colbet | BURG, Anna Catharina (I54625)
32063 | Godparents: Philippo Röser et Catharina Laux ambo adolescentes ex Mondorff | LINSTER, Catharina (I28511)
32064 | Godparents: Philippo Schaaf ex Merll & Catharina Felten ex Weimershoff | NIDERKORN, Philippus (I25196)
32065 | Godparents: Philippo Streng et Catharina Casel ambobus ex Crissenach | STRENG, Maria (I40463)
32066 | Godparents: Philippus Angelsberg ex Rambrouch et Christina Schröder ex Rambrouch | JACOBI, Christina (I37068)
32067 | Godparents: Philippus Asselborn ex Parett et Maria Asselborn dicta Feller ex Bigonville | ASSELBORN, Philippus (I37939)
32068 | Godparents: Philippus Brymeir et Maria Barbara Pull | GRESSER, Maria Barbara (I53091)
32069 | Godparents: Philippus Donven ex Rollingen et Catharina Delfed ex Buss | SCHLEINS, Catharina (I43798)
32070 | Godparents: Philippus Hoffman filius Joannis Wilhelmi Hoffman modo Neumuller et Regina filia Philippi Federspiel modo defuncti omnes ex communitate Burglinster | FINSTERWALD, Regina (I41546)
32071 | Godparents: Philippus Magnette Senior ex Heinstert et Susanna ex Chassepiere habitans modo in Pont Doye | MAGNETTE, Philippus (I36688)
32072 | Godparents: Philippus Marx & Catharina Bludtgu ambo ex Elwingen | HAMAN, Philippus (I34717)
32073 | Godparents: Philippus Muhler ex Ottange procurante pro illo absente Dominico Muhler et Anna Catharina Tandel uxor Nicolai Steichen | SCHOCK, Philippus (I44586)
32074 | Godparents: Philippus Payszer & Susanna Albertin | TÜX, Philippus (I47318)
32075 | Godparents: Philippus Pechen ex Eschdorff et Margaretha Gerres ex Schwiedelbruch | PECHEN, Philippus (I42741)
32076 | Godparents: Philippus Peschon et Maria Elsen ambo ex Schweich | TREFF, Philippus (I32906)
32077 | Godparents: Philippus Philippin et domicella junior Havelange Anna Maria | ARENSDORF, Joannes Philippus (I44583)
32078 | Godparents: Philippus Pirsch & Catharina Weber, Mamer | PIRSCH, Philippus (I11501)
32079 | Godparents: Philippus Reuland pastor in Nomeren et Catharina Muller? ex Rupe | LASCHET, Philippus (I50993)
32080 | Godparents: Philippus Schaff et Margaretha Bettendorff | BETTENDORF, Philippus (I38434)
32081 | Godparents: Philippus Schmit et Elisabetha Schwartz alias Saint Paul pro filia sua Margaritha | DOCTOR, Elisabetha (I35639)
32082 | Godparents: Philippus Schmitz et Anna Meyers etiam ambo ex Angelsbergh | MEYSENBURGH, Anna (I36380)
32083 | Godparents: Philippus THEIS alias HENTGES et Catharina uxor Joannis KHONER uterq ex Altlinster | FRISCH, Joes Petrus (I39819)
32084 | Godparents: Philippus THEIS alias HENTGES et Catharina uxor Joannis KHONER uterq ex Altlinster | FRISCH, Maria Catharina (I48916)
32085 | Godparents: Philippus Thiel et Anna Catharina Schimpfessel ex Stockem | SCHINDFESSEL, Anna Catharina (I44964)
32086 | Godparents: Philippus Thiel et Anna Maria Schweicher ambo ex Stockem | SCHORDGEN, Anna Maria (I6068)
32087 | Godparents: Philippus Tilmanni de Wahll et Anna Helena Kesseler de Bussrodt | SCHEIDT, Anna Helena (I13520)
32088 | Godparents: Philippus Tinus et Elisabetha Thenus ambo ex Stockem | GILLÉ, Philippus (I44913)
32089 | Godparents: Philippus Wagner ex civitate trevirensi et Elisabetha Schmitz ex Angelsberg | RECKINGEN, Maria Elisabetha (I44650)
32090 | Godparents: Philippus Wanderscheid & Catharina Meder ambo ex Ettelbruck | MEDER, Philippus (I21968)
32091 | Godparents: Philippus Weber et Anna Catharina Schellen ambo ex Holtz | HENKELS, Philippus (I45236)
32092 | Godparents: Philyppus ex Mullerdahl & Margaretha ex mola in Consdorff | MOLITOR, Catharina (I45676)
32093 | Godparents: Phlippen Dominicus alias Till majerus & uxor Keylers Caspar nomi ne Elisabeth | METZERES, Elisabetha (I37788)
32094 | Godparents: Pickar Joannes & Elisabetha Zimmer, 7fontibus | BEYSER, Elisabeth (I48581)
32095 | Godparents: Piere Gerard & Chaterine Cisaire | CISAIRE, Pierre (I38908)
32096 | Godparents: Pierre Barthelle & Catherine Leclerc | BARTELLE, Catherine (I34278)
32097 | Godparents: Pierre FRISCH from Waldbillig and Dorothea BROOS from Godbrange. | FRISCH, Dorothea (I35882)
32098 | Godparents: Pierre Lichefous de Messancy et Barbe Hans de la Magdalaine | LICHEFOUSS, Pierre (I33561)
32099 | Godparents: Pierre PILGER and Catharina FRISCH | FRISCH, Catharina (I35915)
32100 | Godparents: Pierre PILGER and Catharina FRISCH. Witnesse (birth certificate): Nicolas SCHWEITZER, farmer, aged 43, Consdorf, and Peter HAAGEN, shoemaker, aged 34, Consdorf. | FRISCH, Catharina (I35915)