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Matches 29,551 to 29,600 of 40,729
# | Notes | Linked to |
29551 | Godparents: Mathias Lichtenstein & Anna Maria Müller | STOFFELS, Mathias (I24593)
29552 | Godparents: Mathias Lichtfus et Elisabetha Peporte ex Esch | SCHMIT, Elisabetha (I10627)
29553 | Godparents: Mathias Lichtsfus et Catharina Oesterreicher ex Esch | RIS, Mathias (I25350)
29554 | Godparents: Mathias Lorentz et Maria Hanten utroque ex Christnach | STRENG, Maria (I49301)
29555 | Godparents: Mathias Lorentz ex Christnach et Maria Klein ex Hesperig | KLEIN, Maria (I36784)
29556 | Godparents: Mathias Ludevighen et Margaretha Schmit ambo ex Freylingen | HOOSS, Margaritha (I45080)
29557 | Godparents: Mathias Ludvig ex Zolver et Kriers Elisabeth ex Limpach | ABEL, Mathias (I42325)
29558 | Godparents: Mathias MANTERNACH et Maria SCHÜTZ ambo ex Beffort Godchildren: 1) Kesseler Mathias, * 06.07.1784 Beaufort 2) Manternach Mathias (cousin), ~ 09.03.1776 Beaufort | FRISCH, Mathias (I52491)
29559 | Godparents: Mathias Manternach ex Rupe et Maria Joanna ex Weydert | HOLCHONG, Maria Johanna (I51941)
29560 | Godparents: Mathias Martin & Eva Goschy | GOSCHI, Mathias (I39616)
29561 | Godparents: Mathias Marx juniore sartore et Eva Donlinger utroque ex Waltbredimus | DREYS, Mathias (I37965)
29562 | Godparents: Mathias Mays ex Hesperingen et Catharina Schneiders ex Hesperingen | JUNCK, Mathias (I34775)
29563 | Godparents: Mathias Mergen et Maria Catharina Sondags ambo ex Eremstorff. Godchild: Frisch Margaretha, *01/12/1783 Ermsdorf. | MILLEN, Mathias (I54837)
29564 | Godparents: Mathias Mergen et Riwels Maria bini ex Hesperg | MICHELS, Mathias (I45651)
29565 | Godparents: Mathias Meyer ex Erenstorff et Margaretha Arends ex Dillingen. Godchild: Frisch Nicolaus, ~02/02/1787 Ermsdorf. 02/1787 caeliba. | MILLEN, Margaretha (I54838)
29566 | Godparents: Mathias Meyers ex Loossem et Catharina Homes ex Büring" | FINGEN, Mathias (I11447)
29567 | Godparents: Mathias Michaelis ex Bettenburg & filia Megers Matheis ex Abweiler nomine Maria | STEPHANS, Mathias (I37773)
29568 | Godparents: Mathias MICHAëLIS, conjugatus ex Betembourg; Susanna MEÿERS, caelebs ex Abweiler | FOLLSCHEID, Mathias (I16229)
29569 | Godparents: Mathias Molin ex Elving & Anna Maria Molin ex Dalheim | SIRCKER, Nicolaus (I10582)
29570 | Godparents: Mathias MOLITOR et Catharina OBERSTLINGERSTex Wallendorf | KESLER, Catharina (I277)
29571 | Godparents: Mathias Mynes et Maria Mynes ex Lellig | RENTMEISTER, Mathias (I46392)
29572 | Godparents: Mathias N. ex Heisdorf et Margaretha N. ex Kaundorff | LENTZ, Mathias (I38110)
29573 | Godparents: Mathias Neu ex Ettelbruck & Maria Manderscheid suppl. Maria Didiers Epternacens | SAUR, Maria (I45971)
29574 | Godparents: Mathias NEUERTS ex Lanckemberg et Maria Catharina SEUWERT ex Lintgen | REUTER, Maria Catharina (I43133)
29575 | Godparents: Mathias Neuwert ex Lorentzweiler et Margaritha Schandel ex Langebergs | NEUWERT, Mathias (I43312)
29576 | Godparents: Mathias Niederkorn & Elisabeth Satorf | NOEL, Mathias (I3128)
29577 | Godparents: Mathias Olig et Maria Anna Theis | PIEROT, Maria Anna (I35075)
29578 | Godparents: Mathias OLINGER ex Lintgen et Catharina HENGEN ex Lintgen | REUTER, Mathias (I43105)
29579 | Godparents: Mathias OLINGER ex Lintgen et Elisabetha FISCHER ex Gosselding | REUTER, Mathias (I43125)
29580 | Godparents: Mathias OLLINGER & Anna FELLER | OLLINGER, Mathias (I31510)
29581 | Godparents: Mathias Oswalt ex Tintingen et Magdalerna Kesselers de Rodt | OSWALD, Magdalena (I45825)
29582 | Godparents: Mathias Peifer & Anna Maria | VIRTZ, Anna Maria (I43901)
29583 | Godparents: Mathias Peitz & Anna Noel | NOËL, Anna (I22737)
29584 | Godparents: Mathias Perwanger & Maria Albert | DEUTSCH, Mathias (I12004)
29585 | Godparents: Mathias Peschon ex Olm et Maria Thomé ex Osperen | PESCHON, Mathias (I46509)
29586 | Godparents: Mathias PETRI & Marg. PERNHORT | STEIN, Margaretha (I6971)
29587 | Godparents: Mathias Piermus ex Elvingen et Maria Augst ex Assel | AUGST, Matthias (I43882)
29588 | Godparents: Mathias Pletzshette ex villa Pletsett et Elisabetha Wolff ex Waltbillig | WIRTZ, Elisabetha (I55661)
29589 | Godparents: Mathias RADINGER & A. M. TRITZ | KNOPH, Mathias (I38052)
29590 | Godparents: Mathias Reckingen ex Beelen et Susanna Diedigs ex Nomeren | DIEDIGS, Susanna (I51961)
29591 | Godparents: Mathias Reding ex Hostert et Anna Maria Wamer ex Wahl | WAMMER, Anna Maria (I37933)
29592 | Godparents: Mathias Reiter & Anna Maria Ziegler | REITER, Anna (I19165)
29593 | Godparents: Mathias Reulenbach et Catharina Batholomei ambobus ex Folschette | CARBON, Catharina (I21717)
29594 | Godparents: Mathias Reuter et Joanna condicta Viot | KELSEN, Mathias (I46125)
29595 | Godparents: Mathias RIES et Theresia RIES ambo ex Beaufort | MULLER, Mathias (I42021)
29596 | Godparents: Mathias Roden uxoratus ex superiori Wormeldingen et Maria Laschet caelebs modo in Lenningen | LELLIG, Mathias (I46929)
29597 | Godparents: Mathias Röder ex Bigelbach et Maria Elisabetha Frentz ex Nomeren | RÖDER, Mathias (I50891)
29598 | Godparents: Mathias Roeder ex Biselbach and Eva Neu from Obermerzig | ROEDER, Eva (I54623)
29599 | Godparents: Mathias Roeder ex Biselbach and Eva Neu from Obermerzig | ROEDER, Eva (I54623)
29600 | Godparents: Mathias RUPERT ex Oberdonven et Elisabetha LEINENWEBER ex Niederdonven | LEINENWEBER, Mathias (I9128)