Hosted by
Matches 28,851 to 28,900 of 40,729
# | Notes | Linked to |
28851 | Godparents: KINSLE Henricus, Hestorff & PIRE Maria, Lorensweiller | KINSLE, Henricus (I52763)
28852 | Godparents: KINSLE Ludovicus, Hestorff & DECKER Anna, Helemding | KINSLE, Anna (I52736)
28853 | Godparents: Kintsch Joh. Baptist& Kintsch Margarethe | KINSCH, Margaretha (I18613)
28854 | Godparents: Kintsch Johann & Fuchs Anna | KAUTEN, Anna (I42219)
28855 | Godparents: KINTZ Petrus, Steinsel, molitor & BITTEL Maria, Luxemburg | MOLTER, Maria (I48488)
28856 | Godparents: KIRCH Danieli et KIRCH Elisabetha ambobus matrimonio junctis et ex Greiweldingen | KIRCH, Elisabetha (I31045)
28857 | Godparents: KIRCH Danieli et KLEIST Elisabetha hac ex Paltzem illo ex Greiweldingen ambobus liberis | CLEMAN, Elisabetha (I31049)
28858 | Godparents: KIRCH Petro et SIEBENALER Catharina ambobus matrimonio junctis et ex Greveldingen | KISCH, Catharina (I46083)
28859 | Godparents: Kirchen Joes v: Carlsdorff et Margaretha Hamen | DASBURG, Margaretha (I49027)
28860 | Godparents: Kirsch Mathias ex Haaler et Margaretha Clausen ex Berdorff | KIRSCH, Margaretha (I41210)
28861 | Godparents: Kirsch Nicolao ex Haaler et Haalers Anna | FUNCKEN, Anna (I45581)
28862 | Godparents: KIRSCHENS Mathia et Anna Maria JUNGELS ambobus ex Cressenach | HANTEN, Mathias (I40995)
28863 | Godparents: KISCH Nicolaus oriundus coelebs ex Canach et SPINAT Susanna coelebs ex Canach | STURM, Susanna (I30201)
28864 | Godparents: Kischlen Andreas et Anna Maria Malampré ex Dudlingen | CULON, Andreas (I49901)
28865 | Godparents: KLEIN Henricus, Strassen & BARTELS Maria, Strassen | BARTELS, Maria (I26211)
28866 | Godparents: KLEIN Michael, Helmsingen & N. Margaretha, Helmsingen, uxor Michel KERTZ | ANGEL, Margaretha (I28334)
28867 | Godparents: Klein Philipp & Efr. Josefa | PICKAR, Philipp (I12975)
28868 | Godparents: Klein Philipp & Obri Anna Maria | PICKAR, Anna Maria (I12971)
28869 | Godparents: Kleiners J: Adam & Kleiners Barbara | KLEINERS, Joannes Adamus (I38023)
28870 | Godparents: KLEINERS Mathias & BRIEMEYERS Magdalena, Berchem | PELTZERS, Magdalena (I51551)
28871 | Godparents: KLOOPP Joanne et ESPEREN Barbara ambus ex Ehnen et matrimonio junctis | HEMMEN, Joannes (I38530)
28872 | Godparents: KLOPP Gertrudis et EUSCHEN Joannes ambo coelibes ex Greiffeldingen | KISCH, Gertrudis (I46081)
28873 | Godparents: KLOPP Joanne ex Ehnen et BECKIUS Chatarinae ex Wurmeldingen | BLAU, Joannes (I26159)
28874 | Godparents: KLOPP Nicolaus ex Greiffeldingen et HEINEN Maria ex Wickringen coelibes | SIEBENALER, Nicolaus (I14672)
28875 | Godparents: Knabe Pet.Folmer&Anna Maria Jacobarin | VENCEL, Petrus (I44613)
28876 | Godparents: KNEIPEN Niclas von Ermsdorf cujus loco suscp. SONTAGS Joannes ex Ermsdorf und PETERS Margaretha | KNEIP, Nicolaus (I37054)
28877 | Godparents: KNEPPER Jacobus, Lorensweiller & PEIFFER Catharina, Hestorff | WEBER, Catharina (I35389)
28878 | Godparents: Knoren Nicolao et Veltes Maria ex Waltbillig | THIELEN, Maria (I37368)
28879 | Godparents: Knorren Nicolao ex Waltbillig et Dorothea Knauffen ex Reckingen | LANNES, Dorothea (I51510)
28880 | Godparents: Kob Andreas, Septfontaines & Drecker Maria Catharina, Steinfort | REUTER, Andreas (I19389)
28881 | Godparents: Kob Martin, Septfontaines & Schneiders Elisabeth, Septfontaines | KREMER, Elisabeth (I25007)
28882 | Godparents: Koch (Kochen) Anna ex Reuland and Mathias Schroeder ex Eremstorff. | SCHROEDER, Anna (I41849)
28883 | Godparents: Koch vel Frisch Nicolas and Styren Anne Barbara from Reuland | SCHROEDER, Barbara (I41847)
28884 | Godparents: Kochen Nicolas from Reuland and Schroeder Maria from Ermsdorf | SCHRÖDER, Nicolas (I41820)
28885 | Godparents: KOENINGS Joannes, Berelding & MANGEN Elisabetha, Steinsel | FABRY, Elisabeth (I28925)
28886 | Godparents: KOENINGS Mathias, Berldingen & SIMONS Catharina, Boufferding | KOENINGS, Catharina (I42685)
28887 | Godparents: KOENTGES Nicolaus, Bereldingen & BOUFFERDING Anna, Walferdingen, uxor Mathias CRUGTEN | BOUFFERDING, Anna (I51787)
28888 | Godparents: Kolling Sondag, Keispelt & Thewes Margret, Keispelt | GILTGES, Margaretha (I22656)
28889 | Godparents: KONER Mathias, Cecingen & HAVELANGE Catharina, Hunstorff | SCHRÖDER, Mathias (I53854)
28890 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I35326)
28891 | Godparents: König Mathias & Wilhelm Elisabeth | DIETRICH, Mathias (I35315)
28892 | Godparents: KONING Joannes, Steinsel & BICHELER Maria, Steinsel, filia libera | KLEIN, Maria (I52903)
28893 | Godparents: Konrad BITTO & Barbara HORA | HEMMEN, Konrad (I44895)
28894 | Godparents: Konrad FRANZEN & Magdalena STEFFAN | KLEER, Konrad (I29418)
28895 | Godparents: Konrad FREYMANN & Marg. HEMMEN | HEMMEN, Konrad (I42772)
28896 | Godparents: Konrad Kleer & Maria Nessler | KLEER, Konrad (I50439)
28897 | Godparents: Konrad Leffler & Anna Schival | SCHIWALL, Anna (I43555)
28898 | Godparents: Koob Martinus, Septfontaines & Frisch Barbara, Koerich | REUTER, Martin (I20639)
28899 | Godparents: Kostesch Philippus & Redelings Elisabetha | VICKLER, Elisabetha (I13853)
28900 | Godparents: Kraemer (Kremer, Cremer) Joannes and Schreinhart Susanna. | KESLER, Susanna (I30514)