Hosted by
Matches 28,651 to 28,700 of 40,729
# | Notes | Linked to |
28651 | Godparents: Josef Kirch & Barb. Behabetz | SADORF, Barbara (I16047)
28652 | Godparents: Josef Koibl & Anna Maria Reiterin | BRAUN, Anna Maria (I4592)
28653 | Godparents: Josef Korek & Katharina Raiter | KORECK, Josef (I50543)
28654 | Godparents: Josef Laflör & Susann Gruszmayer | LAFLEUR, Susanna (I23312)
28655 | Godparents: Josef Lambrecht & Magdalena Lambrecht | DIETRICH, Johann Josef (I34211)
28656 | Godparents: Josef Laub & Efr Anna Maria | LAUB, Anna Maria (I12559)
28657 | Godparents: Josef Lauber & Barbara Schneider | LICHTFUSS, Josef (I49706)
28658 | Godparents: Josef Lauer & Barbara Gross | GÜSS, Josephus (I4195)
28659 | Godparents: Josef Mayer & Elisabeth Schiwal | SCHIWALL, Josef (I24509)
28660 | Godparents: Josef Parth & Maria Catharina Lang | TEKERIN, Maria Catharina (I34098)
28661 | Godparents: Josef PAULUS & Anna MARTIN | HORA, Anna (I42702)
28662 | Godparents: Josef PAULUS & Caroline DOBIASCH | HORA, Katharina (I42705)
28663 | Godparents: Josef Prunckel & Maria Anna Volck | SCHMIDT, Josef (I23612)
28664 | Godparents: Josef Prunkl & Rosina Just | MISCHEL, Josef (I22927)
28665 | Godparents: Josef RADINGER & Anna HOLZ | SPEICHER, Josef (I30159)
28666 | Godparents: Josef Schaking & Elisabeth | FORQUE, Josef (I34185)
28667 | Godparents: Josef Schlupp & Barbara Schlup | SCHLUPP, Barbara (I39538)
28668 | Godparents: Josef Schneider & Barbara Brük | LICHTFUSS, Barbara (I49740)
28669 | Godparents: Josef Schneider & Barbara Holz | HOLZ, Barbara (I34057)
28670 | Godparents: Josef Schneider & Eva Becker | SCHANNEN, Michael (I21321)
28671 | Godparents: Josef SCHUSTER & Susanna HOCHSTRAßER | HOCHSTRASSER, Josef (I35214)
28672 | Godparents: Josef SCHUSTER (3508) & Marg. FUCHS | LUDVIG, Joseph (I22317)
28673 | Godparents: Josef SCHVEININGER & Anna SZEIBERT | KLEER, Anna (I29410)
28674 | Godparents: Josef Sis & Marianne Kucser | MANDERSCHEID, Anna Maria (I42258)
28675 | Godparents: Josef Stor & Elisabetha Krämer | FRIEDRICH, Josef (I55402)
28676 | Godparents: Josef ZimmermannZIMMERMANN, Margaretha (I13736)
| |
28677 | Godparents: Joseph Glaudet et Maria André | PEIFFERT, Josephus (I37299)
28678 | Godparents: Joseph Herman & Margaretha Poncin | ZULEGER, Margaretha (I3097)
28679 | Godparents: Joseph Marx & Elisabeth Abermann | KLEER, Elisabeth (I29396)
28680 | Godparents: Joseph Marx & Elisabeth Vagner | KLEER, Elisabeth (I29402)
28681 | Godparents: Joseph Morette et Maria Clara Noël | BOCKOLS, Maria Josepha Clara (I35067)
28682 | Godparents: Joseph THOR & Klara MARTIN | SCHORTJE, Klara (I50384)
28683 | Godparents: Joseph Vagner & Katharina Gerber | KLEER, Joseph (I29395)
28684 | Godparents: Josepha Szabo & Frz. Stoltz | HUBERTUS, Josefa (I11333)
28685 | Godparents: Josepho Emmanuele de Martini de Gondelingen et Anna Sophia de Huart ex ferraria Sauvage | REUTER, Anna Sophia (I37159)
28686 | Godparents: Josepho Hardenne et Maria Joseph Thomas | DUPONT, Joannes Josephus (I46491)
28687 | Godparents: Josepho Steffen et Maria Pauli ex Esch | CHARPENTIER, Maria (I10628)
28688 | Godparents: Josepho Wachter austriaco et virtuosa Anna Maria Bourguignon ex Schwiedelbrouch | WELTER, Anna Maria (I15828)
28689 | Godparents: Josephus ?ha? & Maria Conter ex Remich | VESQUE, Joseph (I54880)
28690 | Godparents: Josephus Bock & Maria Peporté | PRETSCH, Josephus (I40069)
28691 | Godparents: Josephus D: DE COPONS ex Burglinster et Maria Theresia filia D: DE PAHEAU ex Altlinster | DE COPONS, Joannes (I41108)
28692 | Godparents: Josephus eo tempore in Wolflings et Catharina Schröders | SCHRÖDERS, Josephus (I38242)
28693 | Godparents: Josephus Grässin et Catharina Krumb | WACQUE, Catharina (I35139)
28694 | Godparents: Josephus KAUFFMAN et Margaretha SIMON vidua Petri BOEGEN ambo ex Holtzem | EVERT, Margaretha (I49962)
28695 | Godparents: Josephus Krailing & Margaretha Donavelin | DONAVELL, Margaretha (I9236)
28696 | Godparents: Josephus Ölen ex Redel et Anna Margargaretha Cremer ex Nossen | SINER, Josephus (I45050)
28697 | Godparents: Josephus Philippi et Anna Margarita Mattgen oes comit Machera | CAESAR, Anna Margarita (I45473)
28698 | Godparents: Josephus SCHALLER ex Kayl & Johanna KUFFER ex Tétange | SCHALLER, Johann (I26413)
28699 | Godparents: Josephus Schreiner ex Beydweiler et Regina Beydelesch ex Altlinster | SCHREINER, Regina (I38067)
28700 | Godparents: Josephus Treu oes comit Machera et Catharina Scharffens ex Biver | MESENICH, Joseph (I45466)