Hosted by
Matches 24,751 to 24,800 of 40,729
# | Notes | Linked to |
24751 | Godparents: C.Herger&Jul.Bojar | GENGLER, Carolus (I10305)
24752 | Godparents: C.Hirsch & Magd.Jobba | JOST, Carolus (I19545)
24753 | Godparents: C.Kirsch & Cath.Hirch | STILKE, Conradus (I19640)
24754 | Godparents: C.Kirsch&Marg.Fridrich | HUBERT, Conradus (I20456)
24755 | Godparents: C.Klemens&Pet.Steffan | KLEMENS, Catharina (I9727)
24756 | Godparents: C.Kneip&Barb.Friedmann | SZEBASTIAN, Conrad (I11274)
24757 | Godparents: C.Mezen&Cath.Gergen | VOHL, Carolus (I5395)
24758 | Godparents: C.Mumber&Sus.Lauer | LAUTH, Conrad (I33976)
24759 | Godparents: C.Rider&Christ. Groß | NIEDERKORN, Casparus (I20537)
24760 | Godparents: C.Röder&A.M.Staud | VAMBACH, Casparus (I5796)
24761 | Godparents: C.Schakman&A.M.Surius | PFERSCH, Casparus (I40846)
24762 | Godparents: C.Schortye & Elis.Becker | SCHORTIE, Casparus (I14532)
24763 | Godparents: C.Schulz&Marg.Heßler | SCHULZ, Caspar (I22178)
24764 | Godparents: C.Steper&Marg:Haßs | VAMBACH, Conradus (I5789)
24765 | Godparents: C.Vilhelm&Cath.Nieren | VREDE, Conradus (I20450)
24766 | Godparents: CADUSCH Thomas et BRINGH Magdalena ambo ex Kannach | SIMON, Thomas (I40737)
24767 | Godparents: CALMES Cornelius, Kopstal & GLEISENER Magdalena, Kopstal | EVERT, Cornelius (I30001)
24768 | Godparents: Cames Joannes majerus et Felß Anna ex Nospelt | RAYNERS, Anna (I20295)
24769 | Godparents: Cames Petrus ex Nospelt et Gaqnen Joanna ex Nospelt | RAYNERS, Joanna (I20296)
24770 | Godparents: CANIVET Joannes, Fischbach & DUTHIER Magdalena, Heistorff | DUTHIER, Joannes (I30381)
24771 | Godparents: Cannivé Arnold from Lorentzweiler and Frisch Anne Marie from Hünsdorf | FRISCH, Arnold (I25286)
24772 | Godparents: Capthus Nicolaus, Bartringen & Capthus Maria, Batringen | CAPTHUS, Nicolaus (I10482)
24773 | Godparents: Car. Kreißs & A.M.Virth | PENZ, Anna Maria (I19531)
24774 | Godparents: Car. Maurer & Elis. Gruber | HERGAT, Carolus (I19539)
24775 | Godparents: Car. Puljer&Sus.EbnerKAUTZ, Carolus (I5557)
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24776 | Godparents: Car.Federspill&Ang.Mezker | REDLICH, Angela (I13129)
24777 | Godparents: Car.Hajder&Cath.Spiß | GENGLER, Carolus (I9544)
24778 | Godparents: Car.Hergat&A.Treib | HORBER, Anna (I10317)
24779 | Godparents: Car.Hergath&A.M.Kerger | KENGL, Anna Maria (I9587)
24780 | Godparents: Car.Lauer&C.Perbrauer | GENGLER, Catharina (I15425)
24781 | Godparents: Car.Lauer&S.Tittler | SERVAY, Susanna (I5808)
24782 | Godparents: Car.Naumer&C.Henrez | LAUER, Catharina (I5550)
24783 | Godparents: Car.Naumer&Cath.Fei | PIZ, Anna (I28081)
24784 | Godparents: Car.Nohmer&Barb.Pleßs | KRAMP, Barbara (I24454)
24785 | Godparents: Car.Roth&G.(Engrich) | VAIS, Gertrudis (I11650)
24786 | Godparents: Car.Saiberd&Sus.Flögl | PÖKER, Susanna (I17946)
24787 | Godparents: Car.Voll&Elis.Pecke | MÜLLER, Elisabetha (I37547)
24788 | Godparents: Car.Zimer & Magd. Jeger | CIMER, Carolus (I18317)
24789 | Godparents: Car.Zimer&Ana Speicher | TONELVELT, Carolus (I33905)
24790 | Godparents: Carl Heiter & Marg.Lauer | LAUER, Carolus (I19746)
24791 | Godparents: Carl Naum&Maria | BAPTIZ, Carolus (I16677)
24792 | Godparents: CARMES Joannes, Strassen & WAHL dicta FLAMMANT Anne, Strassen | STEICHEN, Anna (I46206)
24793 | Godparents: Carol Bosch&Cath.Kiefer | BETTENDORF, Catharina (I5034)
24794 | Godparents: Carol Ludvich&Magd.Muther | FRIEKER, Carolus (I6767)
24795 | Godparents: Carol Miskovszky&Barb.Szlavik | NIKOLA, Barbara (I5376)
24796 | Godparents: Carol Pehavetz&A M Metzker | GILDE, Anna Maria (I6145)
24797 | Godparents: Carol Stemper&Gert.EbnerEBNER, Gertrudis (I5020)
| |
24798 | Godparents: Carol Weber&Magd.Lang | PEHAVETZ, Carolus (I9767)
24799 | Godparents: Caroline TAUGNER ; Michael KIRCH | UNGER, Michale (I8867)
24800 | Godparents: Carolo Anthoin et Joanna Peltzers | ANTHOIN, Joanna (I37436)