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Matches 24,051 to 24,100 of 40,729
# | Notes | Linked to |
24051 | Godparents: A. Wagner & Mathias Scheibling | SCHEIBLING, Anna (I33586)
24052 | Godparents: A.&Christ.Slavik | RODEN, Adalbertus (I20798)
24053 | Godparents: A.Adam&Anna Schmidt | VAGNER, Antonius (I36751)
24054 | Godparents: A.Auer & Cath.Keßztel | PRÜK, Adamus (I19700)
24055 | Godparents: A.Franzen&Elis.Löth | GLAAS, Antonius (I12332)
24056 | Godparents: A.Frick & Kath.Hahn | FRICK, Adam (I55382)
24057 | Godparents: A.Glasz&Elis.Velter | PRÜCK, Anton (I38537)
24058 | Godparents: A.Körber&Elis.Glaßs | TERES, Adalbertus (I38304)
24059 | Godparents: A.M. Reuter, Bous & Petrus Leick | FRISCH, Anna Maria (I200)
24060 | Godparents: A.M.Richter & Wenzel Rosol | VALERIUS, Anna Maria (I33369)
24061 | Godparents: A.Mauerer&Apol.Lindeman. | PODASCH, Adam (I9647)
24062 | Godparents: A.Oster & Barb.Sebastian | KREILING, Andreas (I20087)
24063 | Godparents: A.R.D.Parochus N:Maarx&Elis.Hunn | VAGNER, Nicolaus (I2471)
24064 | Godparents: A.Ramacher&Anna Thöresz | THÖRESSZ, Adamus (I16974)
24065 | Godparents: A.Reichl & Elis.Grabher | ADAM, Andreas (I17943)
24066 | Godparents: A.Rieder & Christ.Müller | GENGLER, Adamus (I13743)
24067 | Godparents: A.Stumpf&Elis.Neumann | CHRISST, Antonius (I39598)
24068 | Godparents: A.Surius & Marg.Ramacher | HANN, Adam (I19565)
24069 | Godparents: A.Thobiasz&Elis.Kuntzen | CHRISST, Adamus (I39600)
24070 | Godparents: A.Undy&Marg.Meczker | UNDY, Antonius (I33784)
24071 | Godparents: A.Velter&Marg.Thöresz | GLASZ, Adam (I5735)
24072 | Godparents: ac.Bernard&C Joham | JOHAM, Catharina (I4930)
24073 | Godparents: ac.Bles&Cath.Klaßen | MAUER, Jacobus (I12178)
24074 | Godparents: ac.Frickmann&C.Zimmer | ZIMMER, Catharina (I9708)
24075 | Godparents: acob LERNER (2159); Marg. MUMPER | UNGER, Margaretha (I8868)
24076 | Godparents: Ad. Geißz&A.Müller consor. | GEISZ, Anna (I14850)
24077 | Godparents: Ad.Engrich&M.A.Neimer. | LICHTFUS, Anna Maria (I19488)
24078 | Godparents: Ad.Schneider&Cath.Undi | PRIZ, Adamus (I14565)
24079 | Godparents: Ad.Tilk&F.Nusbaum | BRAUN, Francisca (I2484)
24080 | Godparents: Adalb.Veber&Magd.Tix | SZLAVIK, Magdalena (I5205)
24081 | Godparents: Adam Koch & M ess ? | SCHADECK, Adam (I4569)
24082 | Godparents: Adam ANTON & Anna Katharina KRISTIAN | KLEMON, Anna Catharina (I33501)
24083 | Godparents: Adam Anton & Anna Maria Gerber | FRIEDRICH, Anna Maria (I54943)
24084 | Godparents: Adam Bartl & Anna Maria | BARTL, Adam (I34462)
24085 | Godparents: Adam Bauer&Barb.Ebner | SPIELER, Adam (I10886)
24086 | Godparents: Adam Beisser&Josepha Michls | MERSCH, Catharina Josepha (I6161)
24087 | Godparents: Adam Cremer ex Haam et Anna Catharina Rockert de Sandweiler | SCHMIT, Anna Catharina (I18430)
24088 | Godparents: Adam Dilg&Elis.Roth | VAIS, Elisabetha (I11649)
24089 | Godparents: Adam Faul ex Ried & Elizabetha Schoumacher | SCHOUMACHER, Elizabetha (I43900)
24090 | Godparents: Adam FLAMMAN ex Rollingen & Elisabetha PLUGER ex Kopstal | ZISER, Elisabetha (I30014)
24091 | Godparents: Adam Geisz&A.Friedmann | SZEBASTIAN, Angela (I11275)
24092 | Godparents: Adam Geisz&J.Geisz | VAMBACH, Julianna (I6039)
24093 | Godparents: Adam Hellman&Sus.StemperSTEMPER, Susanna (I1760)
| |
24094 | Godparents: Adam Helmon&virgine Cath.Bernardin | BIER, Catharina (I1096)
24095 | Godparents: Adam Holz&Cath.Ebner | DÜPPRE, Adam (I2986)
24096 | Godparents: Adam Honesinger & A. MarIa Ungelbach | KOCH, Adam (I56280)
24097 | Godparents: Adam Joes & Barbara Fasbenders ex Rupe | BRANDENBURG, Joes (I51949)
24098 | Godparents: Adam Katholy & Margaretha Klär | KLEER, Margaretha (I29397)
24099 | Godparents: Adam KLEER & Anna M, GEFESSER | KLEER, Adam (I29426)
24100 | Godparents: Adam Klerr & Elisabeth Lann | JUNG, Adam (I50743)