Hosted by
Matches 23,201 to 23,250 of 40,729
# | Notes | Linked to |
23201 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Clomes ex Bondorff & Maria Pyron ex Bondorff" | LEPAGE, Nicolaus (I12364)
23202 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Clomes ex Bondorff...Anna Maria Clomes ex Bondorff" | ZACHARIAS, Nicolaus (I491)
23203 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Clomes ex Bondorff...Maria Catharina Thilges ex Lannen" | SCHECK, Maria Catharina (I1273)
23204 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Clopp ex Greiffeldingen et Susanna Laschet vidua p.t. in Gostingen et ambo congugati" | KIRCH, Nicolaus (I9361)
23205 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Coll ex loco hoc et Elisabetha Blau ex Wormeldingen in monte" | GENGLER, Nicolaus (I5877)
23206 | Godparents: "Nicolaus COMMES ex Junglinster et Margaretha BROIS, Luxembg." | NILES, Nicolaus (I36318)
23207 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Conteren ex Ehnen et Susanna Clopp condicta Mullers ex Gröveldingen" | RÖSER, Nicolaus (I20428)
23208 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Crantz ex Nogem ...Margaretha Schmitz ex Bondorff" | SCHECK, Nicolaus (I477)
23209 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Decker et Catharina Pieret omnes ex Dieferdingen" | WAISGARBER, Nicolaus (I12001)
23210 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Decker ex Nothumb et Anna Maria Heins ex Parret" | DECKER, Nicolaus (I13212)
23211 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Dernöden in Schmitz in Bondorf & Susanna Pÿron ex Bondorff" | PETERS, Susanna (I11213)
23212 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Disson uxoratus et Catharina Urigs conjugata ex Bettenburg" | WAGENER, Nicolaus (I11594)
23213 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Fideler et Catharina Sturm ex Canach ex Hackenhoff" | STURM, Nicolaus (I22857)
23214 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Fisch et Anna Aldringer" | HARRIG, Anna (I9540)
23215 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Fischer ex Gosseldange & Josephina Heuard ex Lintgen" | REUTER, Nicolaus (I43102)
23216 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Franck, Ackersmann & Anna Schwolen" | FRISCH, Maria (I50496)
23217 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Freiman ex Bondorff...Anna Margaretha Fourmans ex Bondorff" | SCHECK, Anna Margaretha (I1274)
23218 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Freiman ex Bondorff...Anna Maria Schwint ex Bondorff" | GÖRRES, Nicolaus (I501)
23219 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Frisch ex Bondorff & Maria Kuborn ex Bondorff" | HEINEN, Nicolaus (I12098)
23220 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Gefrentz ex Reckingen & Magdalena Holtzem ex Bergem" | JUNGEN, Nicolaus (I13523)
23221 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Gires & Anna Maria Feller dicta Asselborn ex aedibs Fermes de Bondorff" | GIRES, Anna Maria (I11417)
23222 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Goermes ex Bondorff et Anna Maria Düwill ex Heyschlingk" | GOERMES, Joannes Nicolaus (I20199)
23223 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Graß ex Harling et Carola Rodisch ex Bondorff" | BOURRÈ, Nicolaus (I4736)
23224 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Hilbert et Margaretha Prings ambo ex Schifflange" | MILBACH, Nicolaus (I919)
23225 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Hippert de familia Kremers et Catharina Klensch de familia Clasen ambo caelibes et ex Bettenburg" | FINGEN, Nicolaus (I11445)
23226 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Hoffman et Catharina Dostert ex Colbet" | ROLINGER, Nicolaus (I12448)
23227 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Huttinger et Barbara Clement ambo ex Schifflingen" | MARX, Barbara (I1019)
23228 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Joust et Elisabetha Kelsch uxore Nicolai Lympach" | MARX, Nicolaus (I942)
23229 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Karger ex Naaschen & Catharina Graff ex Lannen" | CROAT, Joannes Nicolaus (I38332)
23230 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Kelsen et Maria Scholers ambo ex loco" | PÜNNELL, Nicolaus (I8001)
23231 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Kirpach caelebs ex Bettenburg et Maria Urigs de familia Michels caelebs etiam ex Bettenburg" | WAGENER, Nicolaus (I11596)
23232 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Klein et Margaretha Bierbrewer omnes ex Boulaide" | BODÉ, Nicolaus (I14947)
23233 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Margaretha Delfeld ex Buss" | KINTZINGER, Nicolaus (I7370)
23234 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Klensch ex Abweyler de familia Baurs et Joanna Koeltgeß ex Bettenburg" | FOLCHET, Nicolaus (I11589)
23235 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Klensch uxoratus ex Bettenburg et Maria Baur vidua ex Abweyler" | KLENSCH, Nicolaus (I11450)
23236 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Klopp et Maria Gemmen liberis ambus ex Greiwedingen" | LEINEWEBER, Nicolaus (I8300)
23237 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Kneppen caelebs de familia Schneidesch in Bettenburg et Susanna Hans ex Hunigring" | VAROCKY, Nicolaus (I11443)
23238 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Koeltgeß caelebs et Barbara Knepper sive Klensch conjugata ambo ex Bettenburg" | THEISEN, Nicolaus (I16545)
23239 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Költgeß caelebs ex Bettenburg et Catharina Krips ex Hunigring caelebs" | GAASCH, Nicolaus (I10894)
23240 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Krantz ex Bilsdorf et Catharina Theves ex Arsdorf" | CRANTZ, Nicolaus (I827)
23241 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Kuborn et Johannatha Moulling ambo ex Martelange" | PELLZER, Joannes Nicolaus (I15000)
23242 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Kuborn notarius et Schentgens ambo ex Greimmelingen" | KUBORN, Joannes Nicolaus (I13065)
23243 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Kuhn ex Rumlingen et Catharina Reichling ex Tetingen" | KUHN, Nicolaus (I11663)
23244 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Leche ex Bondorff...Anna Maria Schwinn ex Bondorff" | MECHER, Anna Maria (I37)
23245 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Leche...Maria Leche ambo ex nostro molendino" | LECHE, Nicolaus (I259)
23246 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Leyder et Anna Eischen ex Hostert" | GRUNDHAUSEN, Anna (I137)
23247 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Limpach et Maria Mates ex Schergeshausz ex Schifflingen" | METZLER, Nicolaus (I15667)
23248 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Linden et Maria Scholer" | PÜNNEL, Nicolaus (I8002)
23249 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Lorens ex Insenborn et Catharina Macken ex Arsdorf" | MACKEN, Maria Catharina (I21584)
23250 | Godparents: "Nicolaus Loudsch ex Greomling et Margarita Kerger ex Martelange" | MOLITOR, Nicolaus (I15215)