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 #   Notes   Linked to 
19651 Birkelt-Berdorf FRISCH, Catharina (I43065)
19652 Birth certificate: born 24 Fructidor XII SPELLER, Catharina (I40437)
19653 birth date in mariage certificate 04/11/1841 FRISCH, Henricus (I39165)
19654 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I7912)
19655 Birth place: "Michelbuch". GALLION, Franciscus (I36104)
19656 birth place: farm "Harthof" GALION, Johan (I36098)
19657 birth place: farm "Harthof" GALIAR, Jean (I36101)
19658 birth place: Michelbuch. Godfather: Christian FRISCH GALLION, Christian (I36102)
19659 birth place: Michelbuch. Godfather: Christian FRISCH GALLION, Christian (I45698)
19660 birth Tromborn Kr Bolchen Loth or Welwingen or Filsdorf/Luxbg.
WK 58/73 Wien 02.05.1766 Niclas Jung von Welfring aus dem Lothringischen. Arrived on the same day at Vienna:
WK 58/74 Wien 02.05.1766 Niclas Kindl von Bretnach aus dem Lothringischen
WK 58/75 Wien 02.05.1766 Johannes Lux von Bretnach aus dem Lothringischen 
JUNG, Nikolaus (I2003)
19661 Birth: Aug. 12, 1836
Canton de Mersch
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Death: Jul. 7, 1917
Winona County
Minnesota, USA

Death was due to apoplexy. Was an early Pioneer in this county. Large number of people attend funeral Tuesday morning.
Death came very suddenly on Saturday evening, July 7, and claimed one more of our oldest pioneers, and residents, Mrs. Margaret Speltz. Death was due to apoplexy after a sickness of very short duration.
Mrs. Mathew Speltz, whose maiden name was Margaret Rivers, was born in Hiffning (Heffingen), Luxembourg, August 12, 1835. She came to this country with her parents in 1852, and settled at Aurora, Ill., where the family lived for three years when they removed to Dubuque, IA where they lived two years when the came came to Rollingstone. January 11 (20th), 1857, at St. Jospeh's Catholic Church at Winona, she was united in marriage to Mathew Speltz, and shortly afterward they settled on a farm near this village. This was the old Speltz homestead, and is now occupied by the eldest son, John M. Speltz and family. This continued to be her home till the year 1895, when the family lived for two years on the Stewart place, now owned by Felix Speltz, after which they came to this village, which has since been her home.
Mrs. Speltz was the mother of nine children, seven of whom survive. Mr. Speltz died Aug. 12, 1908. The children were John M. Speltz, J. P. Speltz, P. M. Speltz, Felix Speltz, Mrs. Matt Botzet; and Mrs. Susie Weis of Rollingstone, and L. E. Speltz of Winona. Mrs. Mary Gengler, formerly of Granville, Wis, and Miss Katherine Speltz, two other daughters predeceased her. She is also survived by her two brothers, J. B. Rivers of this village and George Rivers of St Paul. She also leaves a large number of grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.
On Feb 11, 1907, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Speltz celebrated their Golden Wedding in this village, which was attended by the children and relatives, of which they perhaps had more than any other family in this vicinity. It is estimated that perhaps one half of the people of this parish are relatives.
The funeral services were held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock from Holy Trinity Church in this village. Reverend Father Schmitz celebrated Mass. Winona Republican-Herald, July 11, 1917

Mrs. Speltz Dead, End Unexpected
Pioneer Rollingstone Woman Succumbs on Saturday
Mrs. Margaret Speltz, eighty-one years old, a pioneer resident of Winona county, died last night at 1 o'clock at her home in Rollingstone village. Death came as a result of stroke of apoplexy suffered twenty hours before.
Mrs. Speltz was mother of seven children, five of them sons, all prominent in this section. The services will be held on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at Holy Trinity Church, Rollingstone. 
RIVERS, Marguerite (I47283)
19662 Birth: Mar. 19, 1828
Canton de Luxembourg
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Death: Aug. 12, 1908
Winona County
Minnesota, USA

Mathew Speltz died last evening at 7:30 o'clock. He was eighty-two years old and a resident of Rollingstone, at which place the funeral will be held in the Catholic Church, on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. The remains will be interred in the cemetery there. Winona Daily Republican Herald, Thursday, Aug. 13,1908; Page 5

Matthew Speltz, son of Nicholas Speltz and Catherine Michels, was born 29 March 1828 in Contern, Luxembourg. At the age of 26, Matthew left Antwerp on the ship "Leopold 1st" and landed at the Port of New York July 3, 1854. After spending some time in Iowa with his brother, Nicolas, he arrived in Minnesota in 1855. Matthew settled on a farm about a mile and a half from Rollingstone. He married Margaretha Rivers, daughter of Michel Rivers and Margarehta Adhems, February 20, 1857 in Winona. Matthew's brothers, John and Peter, married sisters of Margaretha, Elizabeth and Anna. No wonder most of the town is related in one way or the other to this family. Matthew and Margaretha had nine children. He farmed until 1895 when he retired to the town of Rollingstone. In 1907 Matthew and Margaretha celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Matthew died August 12, 1908, following an operation. Matthew and his wife Margaretha are buried in the cemetery at Rollingstone

Family links:
Nicolas Speltz (1796 - 1859)
Katherina Michels Speltz (1799 - 1884)

Margaretta Rivers Speltz (1836 - 1917)

John M Speltz (1857 - 1923)*
Katherine Speltz Botzet (1859 - 1924)*
Maria Speltz Gengler (1862 - 1901)*
John P Speltz (1864 - 1934)*
Susan Speltz Weis (1866 - 1930)*
Peter M Speltz (1870 - 1944)*
Catherine Speltz (1872 - 1887)*
Felix A Speltz (1876 - 1944)*
Leigh E Speltz (1882 - 1933)* 
SPELTZ, Mathias (I47282)
19663 Birth: Sep. 15, 1848
Canton de Mersch
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Death: Oct. 16, 1876
Winona County
Minnesota, USA

At Mt. Vernon, in this county, on the 16th, there died Mrs. Anna Speltz, wife of Mr. Peter Spetlz, a highly esteemed citizen of that town. Mrs. Speltz was 28 years of age and leaves a husband and five children, the eldest nine years old. Mrs. Speltz was a sister of Mr. Henry Rivers, one the leading citizen and business men of the village of Rollingstone. The funeral of this esteemed lady took place on Wednesday of week before last, being one of the largest funerals ever held in this county, and evidence of her personal worth and the respect and high regard entertained toward her by her neighbors with whom she had associated for many years. There were nearly 100 teams in the procession. The Winona Republican-Hearld, Oct. 30, 1876; Page 3 
RIVERS, Anna (I47274)
19664 Bischofsdhorn BOHN, Bernhard (I2969)
19665 Bishop George Henry Speltz, 91, who served as bishop of the Diocese of Saint Cloud from 1968 to 1987, died Sunday night, Feb. 1, 2004, at St. Benedict Senior Community in St. Cloud.

Mass of Christian Burial was on Monday, Feb. 9, at 11 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Mary, St. Cloud.

Bishop Speltz was born May 29, 1912, in Altura, Minn. He attended Holy Trinity High School in Rollingstone, Minn., graduated in 1932 from St. Mary's College in Winona, Minn., attended St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul, and earned a doctorate in philosophy from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., in 1944.

Bishop Speltz was ordained a priest June 2, 1940, at the College of St. Theresa in Winona. He served in many parishes in southeastern Minnesota before being named a bishop.

He was ordained a bishop on March 25, 1963, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. He was named auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Winona, and Titular Bishop of Claneus in 1963. On June 7, 1966, Bishop Speltz was installed as coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of St. Cloud, becoming the sixth bishop of the Diocese of St. Cloud on Jan. 31, 1968, and served the diocese in that capacity until he retired Jan. 13, 1987.

Bishop Speltz was preceded in death by his parents; two sisters, Sister Genevieve, OSF, and Margaret Wicker; and four brothers, Monsignor Richard, Edward, Alfred and Paul.

Obitiary from the Paynesville Press, Feb. 2004 
SPELTZ, Rev George Henry (I47250)
19666 Blaise St. Marie GÖRES, Joannes Nicolaus (I11416)
19667 Bloomingdale Township KUHN, James J. (I43027)
19668 Bockholtz-Hosingen MAUTSCH, Peter (I589)
19669 Bogarosch. Godparents: A M Carlman & Georg Meininger MITSCH, Anna Maria (I3114)
19670 Bogarosch. Godparents: Johann Petri & Eva Jost PETRI, Johann (I47313)
19671 Bogarosch. Witnesses: Adam Kohl & Nikolaus Heckel Family (F5715)
19672 Bogarosch. Witnesses: Mathias Thierjung & Johann Schneider Family (F8679)
19673 Bommel Brabantice PAULUS, Joannes (I48767)
19674 Börfinkswiesen KRONENBERG, Katharina Margaretha (I18625)
19675 Born 6 nivôse IX. Witnesses (birth certificate): Nicolas Reiter, aged 41, from Waldbillig and Michel Michaelis, aged 24, from Waldbillig. Jean FRISCH was witness at the civil marriage of his brother Reinard on february 22nd, 1829, at Rosport. FRISCH, Jean (I35766)
19676 born 1766 or 1767. Other death date: 15.08.1828. JUNGELS, Anna Maria (I36124)
19677 Born 18th february 1897 Anna ???? LESCH, Susanna (I36033)
19678 Born 25 frimaire XI. Witnesses (birth certificate):Eva Kruchten, aged 64, from Haller and Elisabeth Kirsch, aged 58, from Haller ALLAR, Eva (I54013)
19679 born Anna Maria Frisch and recognized by marriage deed of 15/11/1858 > Maria Regina DIEDERICH DIEDERICH, Maria Regina (I26602)
19680 Born as Hoff. Godparents: "Nicolaus Lentz ex Blaschette & Catharina Hoff ex Lintgen" HOFFSS, Nicolaus (I43103)
19681 Born at "Dumelding"????(=Dommeldange) FEYDT, Nicolaus (I38656)
19682 born at "Kindermillen" MILLEN, Anna Maria (I45737)
19683 Born at farm "Jean Haris" FLAMMANG, Stephan (I45741)
19684 born at half one a.m. on 25 march 1893 in Kalkesbach HUSS, Susanna (I40421)
19685 Born at Haller-Forge(L) MILLEN, Anna Maria (I45808)
19686 born at Hamhof LEHNEN, Anna (I54790)
19687 born at Langweiler Krs St Wendel?? (see Bodner Nicolaus) GEYER, Philippus (I3416)
19688 born earlier SCHON, Catharina (I15092)
19689 born in "Haus Barels" POOS, Johann (I43495)
19690 born in house Weinand-Pettinger KETTENMEYER, Margaretha (I26252)
19691 both widowed Family (F3471)
19692 both widowed Family (F6264)
19693 bougeois & tonnelier KAYLL, Nicolaus (I47470)
19694 bourgeois & maréchal FABRY, Petrus (I47472)
19695 Bourgogne, par. Veslet SEGUIN, Jean François (I56119)
19696 Brautzen DAU, Bartholomaius (I51072)
19697 Bridelhof SCHOSE, Joannes (I50693)
19698 Bridelhoff SCHOSE, Petrus (I26558)
19699 Bridelhoff SCHOSE, Theodorus (I41209)
19700 Bridelhoff SCHOSE, Catharina (I50692)

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